Exploring the great outdoors is an unrivaled experience that’s enhanced by taking along your furry friends. Traveling with pets in your RV not only makes it easy to extend your vacation without worrying about boarding your pet, but it also allows you to make even more unforgettable memories. Before setting out with your pet in tow, there are several important considerations to remember.

Traveling with your pet requires careful planning, which is why we at Cheyenne Camping Center made this helpful guide going into all those important little details. Keep reading to learn how to take your pet along for the adventure seamlessly.

Pre-Travel Preparation

Pre-trip preparation is key for setting you and your pets up for success while you’re on the road. While things like pre-trip veterinary check-ups seem obvious, these appointments can allow you to identify anything that might cause an issue on your trip. This is also a good opportunity to get up-to-date on your pet’s vaccinations, ensuring they don’t catch something on your next adventure. There is nothing like an unexpected emergency vet visit (and bill) to put a kink in your travels.

Other important things to take care of before mile one include:

  • Updating pet IDs: If you and your pet are separated on your journey, having a pet ID with your contact information can help rescuers reach out to you when they find your beloved pet. Some pet IDs also have new tech features that offer a GPS pinpoint, so you can reconnect with your loved one quickly.
  • Packing a pet travel kit: Pets come with their own requirements, much like they do at home. A pet travel kit might include items like food, water, medications, training treats, and familiar toys or blankets.
  • Getting additional travel gear: Depending on what you plan on doing for your trip, it might be helpful to invest in additional travel gear. A pet backpack, paw pad balm, safety glasses, and other gear might help make the trip safer for you and your pet.

Safety Measures

Keeping your pet safe involves more than just keeping them on a leash when you’re in public spaces. Whether you have a travel trailer or motorcoach, it is important to have your pet secured during travel. This might be a crate, where your pet can lay down and relax, or it might be more like a pet seatbelt. Either way, ensure your pet is secured during travel to prevent harm to you and them.

It’s also vital to never leave your pet alone in a parked RV. Much like a vehicle, RVs can get excessively hot during summer months without air conditioning. Some pet parents might also have furry friends who have separation anxiety, and traveling to unfamiliar spaces might heighten this, which can increase the chances of them causing damage or hurting themselves in their efforts to escape.

Comfort And Space Management

To keep your furry loved one at peace, consider creating a dedicated space for pets in the RV. This can be a crate in the RV that is their safe space or a bed made just for them. Having these pet-friendly zones can keep everyone happy and stress-free while enjoying the journey. For outside space management, you might also try barriers (like a playpen) to give them a space outside to explore. Some adventures might also attach their pet to a long line that connects to a tether so they can explore the outdoors in a controlled way.

Exercise And Entertainment

It’s important to schedule regular stops for exercise and bathroom breaks. Having safe outdoor time with leashes and interactive toys or puzzles can keep your pet entertained during your travels. Interactive toys and puzzles also have the additional benefit of mentally engaging your pet, which can help them relax and find their calm in a world of change.

Pet-Friendly Destinations

When looking for pet-friendly campgrounds and RV parks, ensure to take a close look at their pet policies and amenities. This can help you determine if these spaces meet your and your pet’s needs. Some things to look for include:

  • Off-leash areas.
  • Walking trails.
  • Fenced-off dog parks.
  • Pet-friendly buildings.
  • Agility equipment.
  • Water fountains with pet bowls.
  • Pet waste bags.

Additionally, some campgrounds and parks may not have these facilities. This can make it more difficult to find a place that checks all the boxes. If a campground doesn’t offer some of these amenities, it might be because somewhere nearby does.

There’s no dog park play area? There might be one a few miles down the road. There are no pet waste bags in the grassy areas? Some parks might offer them to you upon check-in. Don’t rule out a place just because it doesn’t check every box. It might be worth talking to the campground or RV park manager to see exactly what they offer.

Dealing With Emergencies

Medical emergencies can happen during RV travel with pets. To help you navigate these stressful situations, it’s helpful to research nearby veterinary clinics and pet hospitals near where you will be camping. This can take away the stress of finding out where to go during a time when you’re already stressed out.

Another thing to pack along for the travel is a pet first aid kit. These kits often include things like emergency dog food, emergency water pouches, a mylar blanket, wound dressings, bandages, splinter removers, tick removers, a muzzle, an irrigation syringe, and triple antibiotic ointment. If your pet has specific medication they take, add it to this pack as well in case you run out of them in your pet travel pack.

Ready To Hit The Trails With Your Best Friend?

Embrace RV travel with pets with these tips for a safe and joyful journey. Here at Cheyenne Camping Center, we understand that your pets are your family, and we want to ensure that every trip is comfortable and enjoyable for everyone. Visit Cheyenne Camping Center for more RV travel advice and pet accessories or to discuss any RV needs that can enhance your travel experience with pets.

Image by Patrick Hendry is licensed with Unsplash License